a drink in the passageの例文
- Other short films by Maseko include " The Return of Sarah Baartman ", " Children of the Revolution ", and " A Drink in the Passage ", all released in 2002.
- Come un uomo sulla terra-Lamerica-Merica-A sud di Lampedusa-Schwarzfahrer-Sexe, Gombo et Beurre Sal?D閘ice Paloma-Whatever Lola Wants-Tamanrasset-Terra son鈓bula-Battle of the Souls-Malooned !-La Maison Jaune-Eye of the Sun-Atletu-Dowaha-Fissures-Ehki ya shahrazade-From a Whisper-Harragas-Imani-D鑣 l'Aube-Nothing But the Truth-Ramata-Teza-O 趌timo V鬿 do Flamingo-A Brother with perfect timing-A Drink in the Passage-African Jim aka Jim comes to Jo'burg-Alexandrie encore et toujours aka Alexandria again and forever-Alyam Alyam O les jours aka Oh the days-Au nom du Christ aka In the name of Christ-Badou Boy aka Bad Boy-Bako le autre rive aka Bako, the other shore-Bent Familia-Bezness-Borom Sarret-Buud Yam-Ca twiste a poponguine aka Rocking Popenguine-Camera de Afrique-Camp de Thiaroye-Ceddo aka The Outsiders-Clando-Congo River : Le villoge flottant aka The floating village-Congo River : Les Fantomes de'l Histone aka Phantoms of history-Congo River : Vers le source aka To the source-Contras city-Delwende leve-toi et marche aka Get up and walk-Denko-Dilemma-Divisionz-Djeli conte d'Aujour'Hui aka Djeli aka A modern tale-Dole L'argent aka Dole Money-E'Lollipop-Emitai-Et la lumiere fut aka And then there was light-Ezra-Faat Kine-Fugard's People-Gito, L'Ingrat Aka Gito, The Ungrateful-Great Africans : Projek Mandela-Guelwaar-Halfaouine l'enfant des terrasses aka The Rooftop Hopper-Heritage Africa-Hyenes aka Hyenas-Ilheu de Contenda aka Island of Contention-Ingrid Jonker : Her lives and Time-Jaguar-Jo'burg Revisited-Jom ou l'histoire d'un peuple aka Jom the story of the people-Juju factory-Karmen Gei-Keita!